Group Classes

Group Dog Training Classes in Herts, Beds and Online

Puppy Classes

This class sets you and your puppy up for success, in addition to training, its packed with helpful information for new puppy parents.

The practical side of the course covers a number of core behaviours including; loose lead walking, recall, focus on handler, confidence building and basic safety exercises.

* Appreciating that not all new owners have a puppy, some classes are also open to older dogs, so please get in touch via the free 15 minute consultation option, to discuss the best option for your puppy/dog.

All class content will be pitched to each individual dogs capability.

Plan ahead, pre book puppy classes and receive free extra support before you bring your puppy home, see Puppy Preparation

Adolescent Dog Classes

Once you reach the end of your puppy class, you can continue building on your foundation training,  to help create muscle memory, by rehearsing desired behaviours whilst also advancing your existing skills.

You can also attend this class if your dog is between 6 months +

Advance on initial puppy training.

Learn how to overcome typical problem behaviours for this age.

Advanced Classes

Progression to Advanced classes are by invitation only, to ensure those attending have attained the skills required to progress, and understand the methods of training used.

If your previous training has been attained elsewhere, a quick conversation/assessment will be all that’s needed to make sure you understand the methods of training and that the puppy/dog has completed the requisite skills to participate in this class.

We will advance behaviours already learnt, and string behaviours together, the class is slower paced focusing on improving technical ability. 

Workshops and AdHoc classes

Recall and lead walking workshops regularly run throughout the year.

Fun Circuit classes also run throughout the summer months.

See the Events page to view and book all current classes

Book A Free Consultation Call

Comprehensive puppy and dog training in North Hertfordshire, Central Bedfordshire and Online.
